Ruth Aspinall

Painting and art has been a passion since childhood. Lifetime painter, with works in collection in the US, Spain, and England.

I am a member of the Artist Alliance in Santa Fe as well as the Cold Wax Academy. Traveling is a passion and as a result, I have taken art workshops around the world. I have studied cold wax with Rebecca Crowell and Jerry McLaughlin.

“My work often reflects my moods, happiness, as well as sorrows, I love colour and bold expressions.

I believe art is an extension of one’s self, often expressing our inner feelings. Art is an exploration of life itself.

Exploring different mediums is always a challenge, but it opens the door to other avenues and styles. Painting is a constant learning process no matter how many years you spend doing it. It is what helps to keep the excitement and creativity going.”



#10 Ruth Aspinall's Studio

Home Studio of Mixed Media Artist Ruth Aspinall.